If you want to be able to offer your customers the convenience of making a payment with a credit card or check electronically, you'll have to apply for a merchant account. Before you sign on the dotted line, shop carefully and weigh your options. Having payment processing abilities can make your business; choosing a bad merchant account provider can break it.
All merchant account providers are not created equal and neither are the financial packages they'll offer to you. Look closely to their longevity in the business and customer service experience.
How can InfoMerchant Help?
There are many solutions that we can offer you from high risk to online and offshore merchant accounts. Whereas one company may label your business as too risky and turn you away, another will be only too glad to give you an account - and a hefty bill at the end of the month. However, armed with a good bit of knowledge and some sharp negotiation skills, you should have no problem finding a suitable provider that meets your needs and we can help point you in the right direction.
We can offer you the best in online, retail, debit cards and check related services as well as all the latest developments in the credit card processing world.
If you are currently processing ask us how we can help you switch (fast and easy)
Allow us to understand and fulfill your payment processing needs and combine them into one comprehensive solution uniquely designed for you the merchant, your business, and your budget. Customized quotes are just a phone call away or fill out our online form and a customer service representative will call you.
ALL major credit & bank cards accepted along with checks
Single-source merchant services
Choice of equipment terminals (ask us what better suits your needs)
Online reporting / transaction management/ monthly statements
In-house RISK / UNDERWRITING departments
No High Prices
FREE American Express setup
FREE cost analysis & processing quotes
Discount POS Terminals and Equipment
Low Rates and Processing Fees
Quick Installation
Easy and Fast Approvals
Developer Support for Programmers
Real Time Internet Payment Processing
Experienced Company That You Can Trust
FREE 365 / 24 / 7 customer support
Terminal Sales (U.S. & Intl.)
Merchant Account Sales (U.S. & Intl.)
(971) 223-5632
Quick Apply (Short merchant pre-application form)
Not Happy with your Current Processor?
Give us a call!
SPECIAL DISCOUNTS for churches & non-profit companies
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