Maybe you’ve just opened shop. Or maybe you’ve been in business for years. Either way, if you’re about to accept credit cards from your customers you’re in good company.
Here’s why:
• It’s easier for customers to pay you. Plus, they often spend more.
• You can accept orders by telephone or Internet.
• Your business enjoys enhanced credibility.
This tutorial has been written to help you get the most from credit card processing. It explains how the process works.
Plus we outline your rights . . . your responsibilities . . . and how to control the risks (yes, there are risks).
Some Definitions. |
Every business has its vocabulary. This is ours, starting with the parties in transactions: • Your customer, the “Cardholder,” obtains his/her MasterCard or Visa credit card from an “Issuing Bank” (the bank that issued the card to the Cardholder.) • You, the Merchant, obtain your “Merchant Account” from a “Sponsoring Bank” or an “Acquiring Bank” (both referred to as “Merchant Banks”). Merchant banks “sponsor” you as a business qualified to accept credit cards. • “Processors” are companies that process the credit card transactions through the bank system for you. • The “Net Settlement Amount” is the amount deposited into your account after a sale. It’s the transaction amount less the “Discount Amount.” Part of the discount amount is your “Discount Rate,” a small percentage of each credit card sale set by the processor is taking out and usually is in the ballpark of 1.6% on up. • “Pass-through fees” are occasionally a nasty fact of life. They’re the fees added on to your basic discount rate by Visa and MasterCard whenever a transaction didn’t meet certain requirements for your basic transaction (such as failure to use the Address Verification System). These “pass through” these are charged at the end of the month, not every day, so your daily reconcilement is easier and you have “float time.” • In general, credit cards are processed as “magnetic” transactions or “non-magnetic.” Magnetic means that the card is swiped through a POS terminal in a face-to-face transaction. It is the safest and cheapest processing option. On the other hand, non-magnetic transactions (aka “keyentered”) are those used in mail order/telephone order, Internet, or telephone processing, where cards aren’t present and usually yield a higher discount rate because of risk issues and fraudulency. |
Credit Card Processing in 5 Easy Steps |
When a credit card is used for payment, the following process occurs (usually in a matter of seconds!): 1. You submit an “Authorization Request” with a point-of-sale (POS) terminal, PC software, telephone, fax, Internet, etc. 2. We electronically links to the Visa/MasterCard network to transmit the authorization request to the issuing bank. 3. The bank verifies that the account number is valid and that the transaction amount does not exceed the cardholder’s credit limit. The authorization also puts a “hold” for the funds on the cardholder’s credit limit. 4. You transmit a deposit transaction. Note: If you operate face-to-face with customers and deliver the merchandise or service immediately, the authorization and deposit occur simultaneously as a “sale” transaction. 5. The money is deposited as a net settlement amount into your bank account at your sponsoring bank. |
Responsibilities and Rewards |
You’ve seen how transactions work. Now we’ll step back and review what keeps the whole credit card system together, namely: • Built-in Protections • Trust |
Protection |
Credit cards offer protection for you, your customers, and the banks involved. In fact, protection is why credit cards are safer for everyone. • Merchants When you accept a credit card (and the transaction is authorized) you can be sure you’ll receive the funds. (Later, we’ll discuss disputes where funds go back to the consumer.) • Banks The credit card system protects issuing banks from unscrupulous merchants. When you submit a deposit, you are promising the issuing bank that you have delivered the goods and services promised to the cardholder. If you don’t, the issuing bank has the right to charge back the transaction. • Consumers Cardholders are protected from merchants who fail to keep their promises. They’re not liable for payment if a merchant fails to deliver as expected. |
Trust |
Trust holds the credit card world together. The issuing bank doesn’t ask a cardholder if he is satisfied before you get your money. They TRUST that the cardholder will be satisfied. Here’s how you earn that trust: When you sell by credit card, you must deliver on the cardholder’s “expectations” (note that word!) of your goods and services. “What expectations?” Think about it. Either by policy or by practice, implicitly or explicitly, you tell customers that they can expect a level of quality, delivery times, etc. By accepting a credit card for payment, you are promising the issuing bank that you are going to “make good” on those expectations. If not, your customer can get his money back. |
Chargebacks - Customer Wanting Refunds |
Almost everyone has an idea of how a credit card SALE works. But even some experienced merchants don’t know the other side of the system: chargebacks. Understanding chargebacks can save you a lot of money. And help to salvage customer relationships. Here’s how chargebacks work: Regardless of merit, the issuing bank is obligated to investigate complaints from cardholders, including: In these circumstances, the issuing bank initiates a Retrieval Request and/or a Chargeback to resolve the matter. |
Common Causes of Chargebacks |
Some common causes of chargebacks can be avoided easily: • If your company name appears one way on your advertising and your receipts, but a different way on the customer’s credit card statement. Call your processor to fix this) In some cases, this problem results from two businesses attempting to process transactions from the same account. This is frowned upon, so call us if you have a second business. • When you charge the customer before the goods have been shipped. In other words, don’t submit the “deposit” transaction before you have shipped the goods or performed the service.. |
Credit Card Disputes: Retrieval Requests |
Traditionally, the dispute process begins with a Retrieval Request that asks for documentation. |
When You Can't Prove The Customer Wrong |
If you don’t have documents for the retrieval, or if you don’t deliver a copy of the documents to your processor in time, the cardholder is deemed to be right. When this happens, several things occur: |
Chargebacks and Timing |
In most cases, chargebacks must be initiated within 120 days of the original transaction. However, if a merchant is alleged to have violated Visa or MasterCard rules, a “compliance” case can be disputed up to 180 days after the rules violation. |
Fraud: The Best Way to Avoid Chargebacks |
Preventing credit card losses is not only good for you, but it is also part of your responsibility. Here are some general guidelines on how to prevent fraud and avoid chargeback situations. • Make sure that the credit card is from the legitimate cardholder . . . Not just someone who knows the card number, or has stolen the actual card. |
More Tips to Avoid Chargebacks |
• Make sure shoppers know your warranty and return policy. Make sure YOU consistently live up to it. When consumers can resolve problems directly with you, you avoid the hassles of dealing with chargebacks. |
Keys to Keeping a Good Account Status |
Your processor and sponsoring bank expect you to be honest with your customers (thereby managing “expectations”). And you’re expected to live up to your bargain. • Fulfill your shipment dates and commitments to your customers. |
For Further Information |
We support our merchant customers with round the clock access to highly-qualified assistance. To reach customer support, please call: |
How To Conduct Credit Card Transactions |
Authorizations |
Rule No. 1: Every sale requires both an authorization and a deposit. |
Deposits |
Deposits take funds from the cardholder’s credit line and deposit them into your account. For an in-store purchase, the deposit is simultaneous with the authorization (unless the goods will be delivered at a later date |
Handling Sales Drafts |
A sales draft is a legal and binding contract between you and your customer. If you have a retail store, a sales draft must be completed and imprinted for every credit card sale. So, even if you’re not using a POS terminal that prints a draft for you, you should still imprint the card and obtain a customer signature on a sales draft, transaction Slip. |
Storage of Sales Drafts |
Keep drafts for three years (even if you sell your business), and even then, check with your accountant for guidance before destroying them. In case of a chargeback, you may be required to produce sales drafts quickly, so file them so they’re easy to find. |
Protecting Cardholder Information |
We’ve all heard about companies who have become victims of thieves who steal credit card information stored by merchants. To avoid this, your responsibilities to safeguard data include the following: |
Watch for Skimming! |
Skimming is the act of capturing card data and then using the data to create counterfeit credit cards, or to make purchases. Typically, a crooked employee such as a store clerk or restaurant waiter will use a small device, such as a Personal Digital Assistant equipped with a card reader, to swipe a customer’s card when no one is looking. The data |
Balancing and Reports |
Your Merchant Account and Bank Deposits |
When you begin processing you designate the bank account where your funds will be deposited (the sponsoring bank or, when permissible within underwriting guidelines, another bank of your choice). No matter where your funds are deposited, we recommend you always leave a balance in your bank account as a “buffer” to ensure funds are available for monthly transaction fees, chargebacks, etc. |
Billing |
You will receive a Monthly Statement (“Automatic Deduction Notice”) detailing the month’s total debit to your account. That debit to your bank account occurs on the first banking day of each month and transaction fees, Visa/MasterCard pass-through fees, supplies, etc. |
Seasonal Business |
We take pride in offering the best possible solution to obtaining and getting you started in accepting credit cards, debit, checks…etc. We have many solutions for the merchant and believe we can provide the best solutions and information if we can’t get you approved. See ECHO Credit Card Processing, Suite of ECHO Services
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