Process Orders by Telephone
Telephone processing allows merchants to authorize, capture and settle credit card transactions using a touchtone telephone, including cellular phones! It offers low-volume merchants a simple and affordable alternative to terminal, software, Internet, and paper-based credit card transaction processing.
If you are a Home Based Business or just starting out and expect low sales volume less than $1,500 per month, Check out our telephone service that we provide.
By dialing an 800 number, merchants are connected to our interactive voice response (IVR) unit. The merchant simply uses their touchtone keypad to enter that authorization request. Once approved, the transaction is automatically captured and settled to the merchant’s credit card account.
Telephone Processing Info With phone processing you can call a number, which you give them a credit card number and pertinent information to the processing company, which runs the transaction and then gives you the confirmation. Once this information is received the merchant can write out a receipt to give to their customer. |
Settlement occurs automatically once a day or can be initiated by the merchant at any time, Merchants also can access batch settlement totals to review and track daily activity.
Our system delivers step by step instructions and allows for the transaction of credit cards via cell phone and or Home phone.
Our Service Grows With Your Business
If your needs grow and you decide you require a high-speed POS terminal, you can enjoy a discount on starting up a POS terminal account. We can get you started with a Credit Card Terminal at fraction of the costs from competitors.
If you are currently processing ask us how we can help you switch (fast and easy)
Allow us to understand and fulfill your payment processing needs and combine them into one comprehensive solution uniquely designed for you the merchant, your business, and your budget. Customized quotes are just a phone call away or fill out our online form and a customer service representative will call you.
ALL major credit & bank cards accepted along with checks
Single-source merchant services
Choice of equipment terminals (ask us what better suits your needs)
Online reporting / transaction management/ monthly statements
In-house RISK / UNDERWRITING departments
No High Prices
FREE American Express setup
FREE cost analysis & processing quotes
Discount POS Terminals and Equipment
Low Rates and Processing Fees
Quick Installation
Easy and Fast Approvals
Developer Support for Programmers
Real Time Internet Payment Processing
Experienced Company That You Can Trust
FREE 365 / 24 / 7 customer support
Terminal Sales (U.S. & Intl.)
Merchant Account Sales (U.S. & Intl.)
(971) 223-5632
Quick Apply (Short merchant pre-application form)
Not Happy with your Current Processor?
Give us a call!
SPECIAL DISCOUNTS for churches & non-profit companies
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