What are Gift & Loyalty Card Programs?
There are several ways to go about searching for a complete gift card program but like anything else in research there are many avenues to take when making that decision. We have great Gift Card Programs and software are easy to use and provide you the satisfaction of both convenience and functionality. We can tailor our Gift Card and Loyalty Programs to fit your businesses and customer needs.
Why Gift Cards?
This is a great way to maximize your marketing efforts while branding your business.
- you can use the card over and over and is impossible to replicate.
- easier to carry and avoid annoying paper certificates
- can be used as store credit and refund alternative
- more revenue stream/ 30% more
- Use company logo while building brand awareness
- reduces paperwork because its handled electronically
- used as additional payment method
- Enhance company moral with company incentives, rewards, recognition and more..
You as the merchant can set up your Gift card program to suit your business and enhance the way you do business. We like to offer all avenues of processing and marketing tools for the merchant, consumer and employees to benefit with our Gift
If you are currently processing ask us how we can help you switch (fast and easy)
Allow us to understand and fulfill your payment processing needs and combine them into one comprehensive solution uniquely designed for you the merchant, your business, and your budget. Customized quotes are just a phone call away or fill out our online form and a customer service representative will call you.
ALL major credit & bank cards accepted along with checks
Single-source merchant services
Choice of equipment terminals (ask us what better suits your needs)
Online reporting / transaction management/ monthly statements
In-house RISK / UNDERWRITING departments
No High Prices
FREE American Express setup
FREE cost analysis & processing quotes
Discount POS Terminals and Equipment
Low Rates and Processing Fees
Quick Installation
Easy and Fast Approvals
Developer Support for Programmers
Real Time Internet Payment Processing
Experienced Company That You Can Trust
FREE 365 / 24 / 7 customer support
Terminal Sales (U.S. & Intl.)
Merchant Account Sales (U.S. & Intl.)
(971) 223-5632
Quick Apply (Short merchant pre-application form)
Not Happy with your Current Processor?
Give us a call!
SPECIAL DISCOUNTS for churches & non-profit companies
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